JECDM is being developed with the assistance of the IntelliJ IDEA software. The source codes, project configurations, and other relevant files are shared on a public GitHub repository:
On the installation: Since the project is maintained in the well-acknowledged IntelliJ IDEA and its files are available as a public repository, installing JECDM is relatively simple. The user only needs to clone the project to IntelliJ IDEA and use it as it is — the IDE should automatically configure everything. For instructions on cloning into IntelliJ IDEA, the user is referred to its developer’s website, which contains helpful tutorials. Nonetheless, the screenshots below illustrate the steps required to clone the repository when using the IDE v 2023.2.1. Note that a proper Java version should be installed to configure the project properly. The initial release of JECDM is built using Java 17. When switching to newer versions, proper notification will accompany future tutorials and repository updates. Finally, building the project and executing all tests once cloned (modules have their test resource roots) is also recommended.